So, lets just all leap aboard the Agile Release Train (because loading something up with a few months work and careering around at variable speeds sounds SAFe to me) and scale into the stratosphere.
I have a theory I've expressed on this blog before. Its just too darned hard to think about problems like this. So we outsource it. Thinking-as-a-Service. TaaS. We are relatively unique, blog reader, in our desire to go back to first principles.
Anyway, onwards. Riddle me this framework builders. Which of these doesn't scale?
They are pretty explicit too for the most part. You rarely need to read between the lines. Any framework on top of these is abstraction and obfuscation of these aims.
Lets take an example. Preference for face to face conversation? That scales. More teams, more interdependent stuff to do. Talk more and regularly, at all levels, from the programmer to the CTO. But how do we scale I hear you cry? This is the bit when you consider your options (try 10 options to go beyond the obvious) and apply the rule of three. Otherwise known as the "thinking about it bit".
I won't go though them all but you probably get the picture.
I have a sneaking (more like rampaging bull elephant) suspicion that these frameworks real purpose is to fit around what your organisation already does. Still sat on the same nail and getting more painful but with a lovely layer of process to entertain us while we wear good people out, harpoon careers and lampoon ideas.
But then, at least with SAFe-LeSS-DAD, you get to keep the corner office eh?
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