Quick code share for creating flat files in SoapUI via Groovy.
I used this to create a linearly increasing file size for an extract, transform and load tool to do some basic load testing.
SoapUI is great for this kind of thing, nice and simple IDE, with the ability to extend to use pretty much any jar you can think of. Enjoy!
I used this to create a linearly increasing file size for an extract, transform and load tool to do some basic load testing.
SoapUI is great for this kind of thing, nice and simple IDE, with the ability to extend to use pretty much any jar you can think of. Enjoy!
/*This script will create a new flat file with number of records taken from a test case level property:
* Steps:
* 1.Create the basics for use throughout the file. Primarily dates and account numbers
* 2.Create the relevant filename
* 3.Create the header
* 4.Create the body of records with amended account numbers
* 5.Add a footer
* 6.Output the lot to a separate file, its size configurable by test case property.
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
//Create the static bits to be used
def number_Records = context.expand( '${#testcase#Number_Records}' ).toInteger();
def outputDir = context.expand( '${#testcase#Output Dir}' ).toString();
//What we need to be build the filename
def date = new Date();
String month = date.format('yyyyMM');
String today = date.format('yyyyMMdd');
String headerDate = date.format('ddMMyyyy');
String randomString = (RandomStringUtils.random(7, true, false));
//Create the filename
String filename = month+randomString+today+".src"
//Declare a new file object
File file = new File(outputDir+filename);
//Create the header
String fileHeader = headerDate
file.append '\n'
//Build the body of the file
for (int i = 0; i < number_Records; i++){
String newAccountNumber = (RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(15));
String lineToReproduce = newAccountNumber;
file.append '\n';
//Create the footer
String fileFooter = ""
switch (number_Records.toString().size()){
case '3':
fileFooter += "9999999999999999999900000"+number_Records+" ";
case '4':
fileFooter += "999999999999999999990000"+number_Records+" ";
case '5':
fileFooter += "99999999999999999999000"+number_Records+" ";
case '6':
fileFooter += "9999999999999999999900"+number_Records+" ";
case '7':
fileFooter += "999999999999999999990"+number_Records+" ";
case '8':
fileFooter += "99999999999999999999"+number_Records+" ";
log.info("File "+outputDir+filename+" created with "+number_Records+" record(s)")
Nice post. I learned some new information. Thanks for sharing.
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